It's a quiet day when a young woman, Wendy (Gianna Dior), receives a surprise visit at home from a stranger, Robert (Will Pounder), whom she has never met before. She has no idea who he is but he insists he NEEDS to talk to her. Though she is tempted to turn him away, this stranger's solemn expression tells her that this is serious... and that she has to hear what he has to say.Once inside, it's revealed that Wendy's parents were killed in a car accident... and that it was Robert's wife behind the wheel. Wendy is shocked and devastated as she learns of his true identity, demanding to know why he'd show his face after that. As far as Wendy is concerned, Robert is as much to blame as his wife since he was on the passenger's side that fateful day. Surprisingly, Robert feels the same -- that he is partially to blame -- which is why he's there. With his wife still in jail, he wants to help Wendy however he can to try and make amends.
视频名称 | Can Never Make It Up To You |
女演员 | Gianna Dior、 |
视频频道 | 无码 |
视频类别 | 欧美 |
视频番号 | us006577 |
上架日期 | 2021-07-31 |
原发售日 | 2021-07-31 |